Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Title 5 response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Title 5 response - Essay Example In order to ensure that the requirements of the tittle are actually fulfilled, there is the Congress which is an arm of the government mandated to the role of checking not only the Executive branch but also that the rest of the government is in accordance with the provided laws and guidelines. Title 5 is also not only a clear indication of the well-oiled systems of government but also a form of guidelines to the employees themselves who are in government service including those in federal work. These guidelines also act as their job security in case of any disputes regarding the issues discussed in the title such as terms of employment like training, educational qualifications, pay, code of conduct among other issues which are not usually paid much attention to by employers and employees in the private sector. The title also shows evidence (in the lack of rigidity) of the flexible nature of government when it comes to accommodating and implementing changes in the

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